VFX Project

Final Render


Asset Creation
Canister Material Morph
Keyed in Metalness and Roughness to transition from clear glass to metal canister
Bifrost Gravity Setting
To match scene scale with Bifrost simulation playback
Bifrost Viscosity
To imitate an oil's consistency
Bifrost Kill Plane
To prevent spilled liquid particles from living forever
Flame Content Details
Diffusion is the most important settings for a candle-like looks
Fire Shading
Y Gradient for a more transparent top
Smoke Density
Smoke Shading
-Y gradient for a more transparent bottom
Smoke Simulation Rate Scale
Fast smoke creation to a slower playback speed
Uses Turbulence and Vortex to add irregularity to VFX generation
Render Layer
Smoke and flame simulation rendered on different layer for compositing
Added glow to make up for Arnold bloomless rendering
Increased smoke's brightness for better visibility